Worst Chemicals in Tap Water and How You Can Avoid Them

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S., number one being heart diseases. It is responsible for 1 in 4 deaths, which corresponds to 1,500 PER DAY! There are more than 100 different cancers, and many factors can increase its risk of developing such as genetics, occupation and living conditions. The most frequently diagnosed forms of cancer are lung, skin, breast, brain and prostate.

Cancer does not only cause pain and suffering to the victim and his family, it also costs the society and enormous amount of money. Based on 2010 statistics, the where can i buy 1P-LSD online  disease cost the U.S. $263.8 billion if we take into account the medical costs as well as the loss of productivity due to illness or premature death.

Even if some cancers are unfortunately caused by family history and there is not a lot one can do to prevent it, it is somewhat horrifying to know that more than 75% of cancer diagnosis could have been prevented! It has been known for a long time that exposure to high level of chemicals can cause cancer. But researches have recently shown that exposure to much lower levels of certain chemicals also significantly adds to the chances of developing cancer.

Environmental carcinogens are present in workplaces, homes, schools and consumer products. Their sources are very wide-ranging, therefore there are many ways our bodies can be exposed to potential carcinogens.


  • Pesticides: found in conventional agriculture, home and gardens, chlorine, disinfectants and wood (preservative).
  • Industrial chemicals, manufactures, petrochemicals plants and municipal waste facilities.
  • Consumer products: building materials, furniture, cleaning products, cosmetics and food packaging.
  • Pollution: automobile exhaust, coal-fired power plants and more.


Below are examples of common chemicals that may be linked to cancer. Some are known carcinogens, listed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) while others are suspected to be carcinogens to human. They are what we call probable or possible carcinogens. However, you need to understand that being exposed to a known carcinogen does not mean that you will automatically develop cancer, while a “probable” carcinogen means that a given substance, with further study and research, may eventually turn out to be a known carcinogen.

